英语:短语’Such … that’ 和’So … that’ 的用法

Such和So在’Such … that’ 和’So … that’ 的句型中,表示同样的含义,但用法不一样。Such后接名词,而So后接形容词。

1,短语’Such … that’ 的用法:

Such后接名词或名词性短语,一般的结构为“such+a/an+adj.+n.”或“a/an+such+adj.+n.”。如果名词是不可数名词或复数名词,则不能用不定冠词a或an,而要用“such + adj.+ n + (that)”的结构。句型中that可以省略。

  • The recording was such a disappointment that I didn’t buy any more from that artist.
  • It was such an expensive car that the didn’t buy it.

2, 短语’So … that’的用法

So后接形容词,形成“So + adj.+ (that)” 的结构,that可以省略。

  • The game was so fascinating (that) he played for hours.
  • Our vacation apartment was so luxurious (that) we didn’t want to leave.

3, ‘So’用于表示“结果”句子中,比如“因为…所以…”

  • I had a lot of time so I visited the museum.
  • She wasn’t happy in her current position so she looked for a new job.


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