英语:Approve和approve of的区别

英语单词Approve和短语approve of形式上看仅仅是多了介词of, 但两者所表达的意思明显不同:

1, Approve指“批准”

  • I cannot approve the reimbursement because you haven’t given me the receipts for your expenditure.
  • I cannot approve your application to study law because you do not have the relevant qualifications.

2, Approve of指“同意,满意”,并没有“批准”的意思

  • I don’t approve of smoking in restaurants because it is so upsetting usually for non-smokers.’
  • Why don’t you approve of my friends? They are all good upright people.’
上一篇 2013年 11月 7日
下一篇 2013年 11月 14日

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